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Double-action, 6-shot revolver fit with a 4" blued round steel barrel that is fit with a S&W micrometer rear sight, 1/8" Baughman ramp quick draw front sight, case color hardened semi-target checkered hammer, case color hardened groove face service trigger and Magna checkered walnut grip with S&W monograms.
Antique Smith & Wesson New Model No. 3 Japanese Contract top-break single action revolver and the blued round steel barrel is fit with rear notch rear sights and a fixed blade front sight.
Pair Single Action Army fit with black mother of pearl grips. The case color finished revolvers are chambered for the .38 WCF cartridge and have front sight blades.
Pair Single Action Army fit with mother of pearl grips. The silver plated finished revolvers are chambered for the .45 Colt cartridge and have front sight blades.
Set of Single Action Army fit with white bone grips including a Buntline Specail. The case color finished revolvers are chambered for the .45 Colt cartridge and have front sight blades.
Custom Single Action Army engraved by Michael Dubber that is fit with stag horn grips. The specially engraved revolver is chambered for the .45 Colt cartridge and has a front sight blade.
Set of 3 Single Action Army fit with white bone grips. The silver plated finished revolvers are chambered for the .40-40 cartridge and have front sight blades.
The silver and gold plated semi-automatic pistols are profusely covered in tight scrolls and is chambered for the .45 automatic cartridge and is fit with a 5 inch barrel. The pistol has a U-Notch rear sight and a front sight blade.
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