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A. Cordy & Fils Alex R Martin Alexander Blair
Alfred Lancaster American Arms Armstrong & Co
Army & Navy Arrieta Arrizabalaga, Pedro
Asprey ATA Arms AYA - Aguirre & Aranzabal
Baker, Fred T Beesley, Frederick Benelli
Beretta Bonehill, C G Boss & Co.
Browning Caesar Guerini Carswell, W C
Chapuis Charles Boswell Charles Daly
Charles Hellis & Sons Charles Lancaster Charles Osborne
Christophe, Louis Churchill, E J Cogswell & Harrison
Cole & Son Connecticut Shotgun Manufacturing Co Continental Arms
Cox & Clarke Dixon, Cornelius Fabbri, Ivo
Franchi Francotte, Auguste Fabrique Nationale
Famars Fox Garbi
Garden, William Gastinne-Renette George Gibbs
Greener, W W Grulla Harrington & Richardson
Henrich Munch Aachen Henry Atkin High Standard
Holland & Holland Hollis, Isaac & Sons Huglu
Ithaca Ithaca Classic Doubles J V Needham
J Purdey & Sons J Woodward & Sons James Dalziel Dougall
Jeffery, W J John Blanch & Son John Dickson & Son
John Powell John Robertson John Strong & Son
John Wilkes Joseph Harkom & Son Joseph Lang & Son
Jules Bury Kemen Kolar
Krieghoff Linsley Brothers LC Smith
Mahillon Merkel Midland Gun
Monk, Henry Mortimer & Son New England Firearms
P Knight Parker Brothers Parker Reproduction
Pape, W R Perazzi Perugini & Visini
Pieper, Henri Reilly, E M & Co Remington
Flli Rizzini Rizzini Robert Jones
Rosson, CS Rowland Watson Sauer, J P & Sohn
Sears Roebuck Siace Skimin & Wood
Smith & Wesson Spurny, F Stephen Grant
Symes & Wright Thomas Mortimer & Son Victor Sarasqueta
W Kavanagh & Son W Richards W&C Scott & Son
Wanless Brothers Watson Brothers Weatherby
Webley & Scott Westley Richards William Evans
William Ford William P Jones William Powell & Son
Williams & Powell Winchester
Shotguns by manufacturer for sale by Country Pursuits & Outfitters
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Sears Roebuck Model 21 20 Gauge Slide Action Pump Shotgun Sears Roebuck Model 21 20 Gauge Slide Action Pump Shotgun

Sears Roebuck Model 21 slide action pump shotgun with 26" round blued steel barrel and a 3" chamber. Made for Sears by High Standard. The 26" barrel is choked Full and is fit with a brass bead front sight.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Winchester Model 37 Single Shot .410 Gauge Hammer Shotgun Winchester Model 37 Single Shot .410 Gauge Hammer Shotgun

A single shot 12 guage break-open ejector single barrel shotgun with a 28" steel barrel that has a 3" chamber, choked modified and brass front bead

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
American Arms Sterling Ducks Unlimited 12 Gauge Over and Under Shotgun American Arms Sterling Ducks Unlimted 12 Gauge Over-and-Under Shotgun

Spanish made 12 gauge game gun made for Ducks Unlimited with 27-1/2" blued steel barrels fit with ejectors, 3" chambers, machined matte ventilated top rib with steel bead front sight and steel middle bead, ventilated side ribs and interchangeable multi tubes.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
New England Firearms Pardner Tracker II Plus Limited Edition 12 Gauge Slug Gun New England Firearms Pardner Tracker II Plus Limited Edition 12 Gauge Slug Gun

Heavy barreled, single shot 12 guage break-open single barrel slug gun with a fully rifled 24" steel barrel that has a 3" chamber.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Franchi Model AL 48 Ducks Unlimited 20 Gauge Semi-Automatic Shotgun Franchi Model AL 48 Ducks Unlimited 20 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun

A 20 guage semi-automatic shotgun with a total of 3 fix choked barrels - 26", 28" & 30" polished blued steel barrels that are all chambered for 2-3/4" cartridges, have ventilated matte rib with bead front and middle sights installed. The 26" barrel is choked Skeet, the 28" barrel is choked Modified and the 30" barrel is choked Full.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Benelli Super Black Eagle 12 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun Benelli Super Black Eagle 12 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun

A 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun with Realtree Camo, 26-1/2 inch barrel that is chambered for up to 3-1/2" cartridges, has a ventilated matte rib with a front and metal bead mid-sight installed. The barrel is fit with an interchangeable choke.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Browning A-Bolt  Shotgun Stalker 12 Gauge Browning A-Bolt Shotgun Stalker 12 Gauge

Japanese made 12 gauge bolt action shotgun. the 22" round low luster blued barrel is rifled for slug and sabot ammunition that is chambered for 3" cartridges with a rifle sights installed - rear on island base and ramped TruGlo Fiber Optic front sight.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Browning Gold Ducks Unlimited Anniversary Gold Edition 12 Gauge Semi-Automatic Shotgun AS NEW - Browning Gold Ducks Unlimited 60TH Anniversary (1997) 12 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun

AS NEW - A 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun made for Ducks Unlimited with a 28" polished blued steel barrel that is chambered for 3" cartridges, has a ventilated matte rib with a white bead front sight installed. The barrel is fit with Browning's Invector-Plus interchangeable choke.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Harrington & Richardson Topper Model 58 12 Gauge Shotgun Harrington & Richardson Topper Model 58 Single Barrel 12 Gauge Shotgun

A single shot 12 guage break-open ejector single barrel shotgun with a 28" steel barrel that has a 3" chamber, choked modified and brass front bead

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Remington Model 1100 Trap 12 Gauge Semi-Automatic Shotgun Remington Model 1100 Trap 12 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun

A 12 guage semi-automatic shotgun with a 28" polished blue steel barrel that has a 2-3/4" chamber, ventilated matte rib with a steel front bead installed choked Modified.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Benelli Ultra Light 28 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun Benelli Ultra Light 28 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun

Heralded as the lightest shotgun in the world by Benelli. A 28 gauge semi-automatic shotgun with a 26" Crio® blued steel barrel that is chambered for 2-3/4" cartridges, has a ventilated carbon fiber rib with a red-bar front and metal bead mid-sight installed.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Remington Model 1100 12 Gauge Semi-Automatic Shotgun Remington Model 1100 12 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun with 3 Barrels

A 12 guage semi-automatic shotgun with a total of 3 fix choked barrels - 26", 28" & 30" polished blued steel barrels that are all chambered for 2-3/4" cartridges, have ventilated matte rib with bead front and middle sights installed. The 26" barrel is choked Skeet, the 28" barrel is choked Modified and the 30" barrel is choked Full.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
AYA Model 30 Over-and-Under Shotgun AYA Model 30 Over-and-Under 12 Gauge Shotgun

A 12 gauge scalloped frame boxlock ejector shotgun. It has blued 26" monobloc barrels fit with ejectors, 2-3/4" chambers, a machined ventilated top rib fit with a steel bead front sight and solid side ribs. The bottom barrel is choked Skeet and the top barrel Modified.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
John Powell  12 Gauge Boxlock Over and Under Shotgun John Powell Boxlock 12 Gauge Over-and-Under Shotgun

John Powell 12 gauge with 26" barrels, 2-3/4" chambers and a machined ventilated rib.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
P Knight Hammer 16 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun P Knight Hammergun 16 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun

A 16 gauge hammer shotgun with rebounding hammers, peninsula locks, 29” nitro proved barrels, 2-1/2" chambers and a smooth concave game rib.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Benelli Performance Super Black Eagle II Turkey Edition 12 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun Benelli Performance Super Black Eagle II Turkey Edition 12 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun

A 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun with Realtree APG HD Camo, 24 inch ported barrel that is chambered for up to 3-1/2" cartridges, has a ventilated matte rib with a red-bar front sight and steel bead mid-sight installed. The barrel is fit with an interchangeable choke.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Rizzini BR110 Sporter 12 Gauge Over and Under Shotgun NEW - Rizzini BR11_0 Sporter 12 Gauge Over-Under Shotgun

NEW - Italian made 12 gauge over-and-under sporting gun with chrome lined matte round 32" barrels fit with ejectors, 3" chambers, extended forcing cones, XL-bore (18.6), a matte ventilated top rib fit with a white bead front and steel middle bead sights, ventilated side ribs and 5 extended interchangeable choke tubes.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Parker Brothers Trojan Grade 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun Parker Brothers Trojan Grade 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun

American made 12 gauge boxlock shotgun with 28” Trojan steel barrels, tapered machined concave game rib and choked Improved Modified and Full.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
William Evans Boxlock Ejector 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun William Evans Boxlock Ejector 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun

A Boxlock ejector 12 gauge shotgun with 28” barrels that feature a screw grip third fastener and doll's head rib extension, game concave rib and 2-1/2" chambers.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Dixon Boxlock Non-Ejector 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun C Dixon Boxlock Non-Ejector 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun

A boxlock non-ejector 12 gauge game gun with 30” barrels with rib extension, tapered flat top game rib with steel front bead, 3" chambers and choked improved cylinder and improved cylinder.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Webley & Scott Model 702 16 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun Webley & Scott Model 702 16 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun

English made 16 gauge game shotgun with 28” nitro proved black steel barrels that are fit with ejectors, 2-1/2” chambers, tapered smooth concave game rib with steel bead front sight and are choked modified and full. Top of the right barrel is roll marked "WEBLEY & SCOTT LTD." while the top of the left barrel is roll marked "BIRMINGHAM".

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Winchester Model 101 Super Grade 20 Gauge Over and Under Shotgun Winchester Model 1_01 Super Grade XTR - 20 Gauge Over-and-Under Shotgun

A 20 gauge Winchester Model 101 Super Grade XTR shotgun with 27" barrels, 3" chambers and a ventilated and machined rib.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
John Strong & Sons Boxlock Side-by-Side Shotgun John Strong & Sons Boxlock 16 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun

A 16 gauge boxlock ejector shotgun with 28” nitro proved barrels, 2 1/2" chambers and a smooth concave game rib.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Rizzini Aurum 28 Gauge Over and Under Shotgun NEW - Rizzini Aurum 28 Gauge Over-Under Shotgun

NEW - Italian made 28 gauge over-and-under game gun with chrome lined blued round 29" barrels fit with ejectors, 3" chambers, a matte ventilated top rib fit with a brass bead front sight, solid side ribs and 5 flush nickle coated interchangeable choke tubes.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Rizzini Aurum 28 Gauge Over and Under Shotgun NEW - Rizzini Aurum Field 28 Gauge Over-Under Shotgun

NEW - Italian made 28 gauge over-and-under game gun with chrome lined blued round 29" barrels fit with ejectors, 3" chambers, a matte ventilated top rib fit with a brass bead front sight, solid side ribs and 5 flush nickle coated interchangeable choke tubes.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
I Hollis & Sons 12 Gauge Boxlock Side-by-Side Shotgun I Hollis & Sons Boxlock Ejector 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun

A .12 gauge game gun with 28” nitro proved dovetail barrels that are fit with ejectors, 2-3/4” chambers, tapered smooth concave game rib and steel front bead. Chokes are Skeet and Full.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Joseph Lang & Son Best Quality Sidelock Ejector 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun Joseph Lang & Son Best Quality Sidelock Ejector 12 Gauge Side-by-Side Shotgun

An English made best quality sidelock game gun with hand-detachabale locks, 28" blacked round nitro proved chopper lump barrels with 2-3/4" chambers that are fit with ejectors, a tapered smooth concave game rib and a steel bead front sight. The top of the right barrel is roll stamped "JOSEPH LANG AND SON. 102 NEW BOND STREET. LONDON." while the top of the left barrel is roll stamped "ABERCROMBIE & FITCH CO NEW YORK U.S.A.". The barrels are choked Improved Cylinder & Full.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon V 28 Gauge Over and Under Shotgun Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon V 28 Gauge Over-and-Under Shotgun

Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon V 28 gauge with 28" barrels, 2-3/4" chambers and a machined ventilated rib.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Browning Superposed Lightning Grade 1 12 Gauge Over and Under Shotgun Browning Superposed Grade 1 Lightning Trap - 12 Gauge Shotgun

Belgian made 12 gauge Superposed Lightning Grade 1 with 32" barrels, 2-3/4" chambers and Browning's Broadway ventilated rib. Choked Modified & Full.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Rizzini Round Body EM 20 Gauge Over and Under Shotgun NEW - Rizzini Round Body EM 20 Gauge Over-Under Shotgun

NEW - Italian made 20 gauge round action over-and-under game gun with chrome lined blued round 29" barrels fit with ejectors, 3" chambers, a matte ventilated top rib fit with a brass bead front sight, solid side ribs and 5 flush nickle coated interchangeable choke tubes.

Please call 718-490-2333 or e-mail [email protected] for more details
Shotguns by manufacturer for sale by Country Pursuits & Outfitters